Financial Astrology Pesavento

  1. Financial Astrology Vedic
  2. Financial Astrology Predictions
  3. Financial Astrologers
  4. Financial Astrology Pesavento 2020

Pairing finance and astrology together may seem counter-intuitive, but perhaps — when aspiring to wealth — there truly is something to be found when turning our heads upwards to the heavens. Whether you religiously check your horoscope, or long-ago relegated the concept of astrology to your esoteric mumbo-jumbo repository, could it be time for fresh reflection?

If the likes of George Soros — the infamous Billionaire trader, investor, and philanthropist — consider astrology a valuable resource, perhaps it’s time to sit up and pay attention. After all, even Goldman Sachs has been known to dally, reportedly investigating correlations between markets and eclipses.

Legendary American financier and banker J.P. Morgan is famously quoted to have said: “Millionaires don’t use astrology, billionaires do”. So, what is financial astrology, and where does one even begin?

'Larry Pesavento and Shane Smoleny's new book, A Trader's Guide to Financial Astrology, is an excellent beginner's guide to a complex subject that is essential to understanding the seemingly unexpected booms and busts the markets are prone to. Khit Wong's Approach to Financial Astrology. This seminar was hosted in Excelsior Hotel, Hong Kong, back in 2013. It is a 90min seminar which covers - Why one should adopt Financial Astrology (rather than Fundamental Analysis or Technical Analysis) to trade the market.

What Is Financial Astrology?

Most of us are familiar with the basic premise of astrology as applied to people. Our astrological birth signs are combined with present-day terrestrial events to forecast what awaits us. In the case of financial astrology, the concept is similar, although a breadth of approaches can be taken, making the methodology complex.

Financial astrologers may plot astrological charts for certain financial institutions or even currencies, just as they would a person, and cross-check them against a host of heavenly indicators. In many cases, the art form requires complex analysis, as prior financial trends, crashes, and victories are compared with the ethereal events of the time. Such research allows the development of predictive theories that may hold the key to future events.

For the skeptical reader, this may sound a little far fetched, but many renowned financial power-players throughout history have turned to terrestrial events when setting their course for success. In the trading world, in particular, astrology is surprising — to some at least — pervasive.

Financial astrologersFinancial astrology vedic

It is considered a powerful complement to conventional forms of technical analysis and harnessed as a method for timing the market. In other spheres, interested parties turn to financial astrologers for guidance in areas ranging from the housing market to cryptocurrencies.

When Financial Heavyweights Consult The Stars

Most will know the name, J.P. Morgan, in sound if not indeed. This unparalleled force within the Gilded Age of Wall Street in the late 19th and early 20th centuries was the founder of J.P. Morgan & Co. — the predecessor to J.P. Morgan Chase, Morgan Stanley, and Deutsche Bank.

When imagining how on earth one single man could have created such extraordinary financial success, it is intriguing to explore his own fascination with the realms beyond earth. Evidence can be found within the library that Morgan built in New York to house his expansive collection of books and artifacts.


Upon entering the Morgan Library & Museum, an upward glance will reveal an impressive display of painted astrological signs. Morgan is believed to have faithfully consulted astrological indicators when planning his business strategies and liked “to walk under his two lucky stars each time he entered” his library. These can be found in the form of his own birth sign, Aries, and the sign under which he married, Gemini, displayed above the building’s entrance.

Propelling our examination forward into a far more recent territory, one can discover that the Royal Bank of Scotland published a report whimsically titled Sheer Lunacy Staring At The Heavens. The study explored correlations between moon phases and behaviour of financial markets.

The authors compiled their findings into a formula for medium-to-long-term trading strategies, which the report stated could “significantly increase profits”. It also briefly touched upon planetary alignments and their significance. Mention of the impacts of lunar events can also be found in the writing of Lisa Burrell, for the Harvard Business Review.

Notable Traders Who Harnessed Astrology

Within trading circles, the most celebrated enactor of financial astrology is undoubtedly W.D. Gann. Trading on Wall Street for the first half of the 20th Century, Gann rose to lofty heights as an expert market forecaster of international renown. Cultivating an array of techniques and analysis tools, Gann drew on geometry, astronomy, astrology, and ancient mathematics. To this day, a substantial following draw on his theories when navigating trading markets.

Gann’s legacy was carried on by author and trader Donald Bradley, whose works include titles such as Solar And Lunar Returns, and Stock Market Prediction: The Planetary Barometer And How To Use It.

Bradley cultivated a system of assigning numerical values to astrological positions and translated them into market predictions.

The next notable torchbearer for the astrological approach can perhaps be found in Larry Pesavento. Combining astrology with geometry and Fibonacci numbers, Pesavento set his own trajectory for success in the world of trading. Among his written titles: A Traders Guide to Financial Astrology offers beginner’s insights into the world where the stars meet the dollar sign.

Financial astrology pesavento daily

Not Only The Stars In-Play

In 2003, the Federal Reserve Bank Of Atlanta published research on the impact of geomagnetic storms on daily stock market returns. The paper, titled Playing the Field: Geomagnetic Storms And The Stock Market, highlighted that a “large body of psychological research has shown that geomagnetic storms have a profound effect on people’s moods, and, in turn, people’s moods have been found to be related to human behaviour, judgments, and decisions about risk.”

The paper went on to speculate that geomagnetic activity sways markets by incorrectly leading people to suspect negative economic prospects, and in turn prematurely selling their stocks.

In conclusion, the authors proposed that high levels of geomagnetic activity cause “a negative, statistically and economically significant effect on the following week’s stock returns for all U.S. stock market indices”, while providing “evidence of substantially higher returns around the world during periods of quiet geomagnetic activity.”

From Housing Markets To Cryptocurrencies

Those hoping to harness the powers wrought from above may well find their way to revered financial astrologist Christeen Skinner. Her current clients include an array of finance world contenders, ranging from bankers to Forex traders, precious metal investors to property market players, and individuals in corporate finance.

Financial Astrology Pesavento

Attracting such weighty clients can likely be attributed to Skinners near-Nostradamus success rate. She is reported to have warned clients ahead of the 2000/01 dot-com crash, and the 2007/08 financial crisis. The latter she describes as having seen in the transition of Pluto into the constellation of Capricorn, which led her to advise clients to withdraw their assets from banks.

Skinner has published several books on financial astrology, or the Financial Universe as she describes it, within which she examines correlations between astrological indicators and currencies, stock market crashes, commodities, housing markets, and more, alongside making predictions for the future.

Her most recent skin-tingling prediction can be found in her 2019 book Navigating The Financial Universe, in which she forecast a pandemic in 2020 — of course, Covid-19 has delivered upon her foretelling in the most jaw-dropping fashion.

Skinners’ passion for the power of the stars extends beyond finance, to include trends in architecture, politics, and even music. She applies an array of approaches to astrology, including planetary alignments, the 20-year Jupiter-Saturn cycle, lunar and solar events, and even certain so-considered financially relevant asteroids, such as Juno and Vesta.

With each new client, Skinner assesses their track record from a financial-astrological perspective, hunting for patterns that can shine a light forwards. She also advises clients upon when they should, or shouldn’t, take financial action, based upon whether or not they find themselves within a “planetary minefield”, and what future celestial events warrant anticipation.

Shining A Light On Your Own Finances With The Power Of Astrology

For those who find their imagination captured, an array of resources await discovery. As a starting point, beyond her private consultancy service, Skinner offers a free monthly newsletter on her Finance Universe website.

The works of Gann, Bradley, and Pesavento await eager eyes, and a host of financial astrology courses and subscription services can be explored — particularly in reference to trading. As for the remainder of 2020, Skinner warns that we are still in for a bumpy ride.

Financial Astrology Vedic

Jupiter, Saturn, and Pluto coming together in the sign of Capricorn are set to deliver yet more volatility over the months ahead. She warns: “You have to go back several centuries to find this or anything similar.” Although, as anyone with an interest in finance will know, wherever there is a challenge, there is always opportunity.

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Financial Astrology Predictions

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Financial Astrologers

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Financial Astrology Pesavento 2020

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