Michael Crichton Sphere

  1. Michael Crichton Sphere Book
  2. Michael Crichton Sphere Book
  • Author :
  • Genres :
  • Thriller, Science Fiction

A classic thriller from #1 New York Times bestselling author Michael Crichton, Sphere is a bravura demonstration of what he does better than anyone: riveting storytelling that combines frighteningly plausible, cutting-edge science and technology with pulse-pounding action and serious chills. Sphere read online, free from your Pc or Mobile. Sphere is a Thriller novel by Michael Crichton. We spotlight Michael Crichton's book Sphere at The Official Site of Michael Crichton. From explaining living under 30 pressures, to unveiling the purpose of the strange sphere found inside the ship void of any signs of life except for one mummified crew member, Crichton creates a story that's hard to put down, while educating his readers on deeps sea life-black holes-the mysteries of the human imagination-along with a study of the shadow part of our minds, our unconscious.

  • Series :

Michael Crichton Sphere Book

  • Published :
  • 1987

Michael Crichton Sphere Book

  • Views :
  • 5928
Michael crichton sphere bookCrichton

A group of American scientists are rushed to a huge vessel that has been discovered resting on the ocean floor in the middle of the South Pacific. What they find defines their imaginations and mocks their attempts at logical explanation. It is a spaceship of phenomenal dimensions, apparently, undamaged by its fall from the sky. And, most startling, it appears to be at least three hundred years old....
'The suspense is real.'
'A page-turner...Chichton's writing is cinematic, with powerful visual images and nonstop action. This book should come with hot buttered popcorn.'

  • 1. Chapter 1
  • 2. Chapter 2
  • 3. Chapter 3
  • 4. Chapter 4
  • 5. Chapter 5
  • 6. Chapter 6
  • 7. Chapter 7
  • 8. Chapter 8
  • 9. Chapter 9
  • 10. Chapter 10
  • 11. Chapter 11
  • 12. Chapter 12
  • 13. Chapter 13
  • 14. Chapter 14
  • 15. Chapter 15
  • 16. Chapter 16
  • 17. Chapter 17
  • 18. Chapter 18
  • 19. Chapter 19
  • 20. Chapter 20
  • 21. Chapter 21
  • 22. Chapter 22
  • 23. Chapter 23
  • 24. Chapter 24