Midi Files For Yamaha Clavinova

  1. Midi file availability Simple Piano I provide, in most case midi files with the 'simple piano' recordings. I play these on my digital piano (a Yamaha Clavinova) and it actually puts out a midi file. These are the basis of the simple Piano midi files. Band (From October 2016 onwards).
  2. 2013 © Yamaha Corporation of America and Yamaha Corporation. All rights reserved.
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  3. Midi Files For Yamaha Clavinova
  4. Yamaha Midi Files Free

Dec 19, 2020 - Whether you're looking for software to enhance your piano lessons experience or you just want to have some musical fun, these #PianoAPPs are designed.

Anthony,Midi Files For Yamaha Clavinova

I saw similar behavior with the floppies at first. Only the ones that
had been in my computer were having trouble. After a few months,
though, even the ones that had been used exclusively in the Clav were
giving me problems. However, I believe I damaged the floppy drive
first. The metal cover part of a floppy (the part that slides open to
reveal the actual floppy underneath) came off in the drive once. I used
a paper clip to fish it out, and I started having all my trouble after

By the way, how new is your Clav? If it's still under warrantee, I'd
complain to the dealer. They should fix it for you.

As far as replacing the floppy, I was surprised at how easy it was.
There were two or three screws (I forget exactly, and I don't have the
thing here at work :') to take the lid off, and then the floppy drive
was right there on top. It's held in by a few more screws, and plugs
into a normal floppy cable. I'm going to tack on some original
instructions I found about this. The author mentions taking off the
keyboard cover, but I don't remember having to do that.

Yamaha Keyboard Midi Songs

Hope this helps.



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[*] CVP User Group Home Page: Archive: Message #174

Date: Jan 20 1999 17:54:39 EST
From: 'Lafferty, Wallace E' <wallace....@lmco.com>
Subject: RE: Floppy Drive ate my Disk


When you lift the top off of the CVP you'll see that the disk drive is
mounted on its own stand and can easily be removed. You won't even
need a
manual to do it. But first, with a flashlight, look inside the drive
to see
if you can see the cover down in there somewhere. I had this same
happen on another disk drive, and I was able to extract the cover with
pair of long-nosed pliers.

To remove the top, remove the three black caps that cover the screws on
back of the CVP's cabinet. Remove the screws and the cover will slide
forward and lift off. You'll have to remove the keyboard cover, which
requires removing two screws that hold a white plastic piece on the
side of the cover's gear-toothed slide against the rim of the cabinet
you sit on the piano bench, the piece is on the left at the top of the
Remove the white plastic piece. The cover will slide forward or back
the cover's gear shaft lines up with the notch that the white plastic
was covering. Then the cover will lift strait up through the notch.
exposes all of the insides and the disk drive.

Midi Files For Yamaha Piano

Good luck!

> ----------
> From: Ali & Helen
> Sent: Wednesday, January 20, 1999 3:38 PM
> To: cvpuse...@listbot.com
> Subject: Floppy Drive ate my Disk
> CVP User Group
> Hello All,
> Greetings from the British side of the Pond.
> More of a physical problem this and I'm hoping that Wally may be able
> help out on this, given that he's been forced to dismantle his CVP96!
> I inserted a 3.5' disk into the CVP96's floppy drive and proceeded to
> spend
> a pleasant evening recording. When finished, I ejected the disk but
> sliding silver cover on the top edge of the disk was not there! It
> still be in the disk drive, I mused, so I peeped through the slot but
> couldn't see anything obvious. Being the sort who tempts fate, I then
> tried
> to insert another disk which proceeded to work fine! The silver cover
> definitely on the initial disk when I inserted it, so I can only
> that the cover has detached within the drive and slipped down or
across in
> the mechanism, out of 'harm's' way.
> As lifting up the CVP96 and turning it over to give it a good shake
is not
> really practical, is there an 'easy' way to remove the drive itself
> (without
> having to dismantle the keys). It certainly looks from the front that
> is
> not truly an integrated unit, but an enclosed 3.5' drive in its own
> bracket.
> Many thanks,
> Ali McCormick
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